The Essential Skills for Public Relations Practitioners program is a comprehensive training program designed to equip professionals with the fundamental skills needed in the field of public relations. It covers essential topics. Through hands-on exercises and practical case studies, participants develop a strong foundation to excel in various aspects of PR practice.
Program Objectives:
At the end of this program the participants will be able to:
- Carry out the functions of public relations in a dynamic environment.
- Design and coordinate PR programs.
- Exercise the key communication skills that are essentials to carrying their PR duties effectively.
- Apply their know-how while dealing with internal and external publics.
- Understand the role of a PR professional in supporting the public image and organizational reputation.
- Enhance their verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
- Plan and execute a press conference.
Targeted Audience:
- PR Managers and Supervisors.
- PR Junior and Senior Practitioners
- Other key personnel whose work involves contact and interaction with both internal and external publics.
Program Outlines:
Unit 1:
PR in a Changing Context:
- The rise and development of PR.
- What is PR.
- The Scope of PR work.
- Setting PR Goals.
- Guiding policies of PR Practitioners.
- PR campaigns & Programs.
- PR New purposes and aspects.
- Building and Supporting the Public image.
Unit 2:
Functions of PR:
- PR principles.
- The Planning and Execution of PR Programs.
- Elements of successful planning.
- Main qualities of PR Practitioners.
- PR status in the organization.
- Duties of PR Practitioners.
Unit 3:
Communication Skills:
- Defining internal and external public.
- Essential components in communication.
- The Distribution and impacts of communication.
- Creating powerful communication.
- Communication purposes.
- Overcoming obstacles to effective communication.
- Non-verbal communication.
- Understanding challenging audience.
- Handling difficult characters.
Unit 4:
Communication Skills:
- Written communication.
- Fundamentals of writing.
- Writing for the media.
- Creating an effective press release.
- Preparing newsletters.
- Sketching and creating brochures.
- Preparing Written pieces for journals.
- Oral communication.
- Types of verbal communication.
- Preparing a speech.
- Practicing your speech.
- Non-verbal Communication.
Unit 5:
Press Conferences:
- What is a press conference?
- Why holding a press conference.
- Handling a press conference.
- Preparing the media kit.
- Establishing good media relations.
- Dealing with Media While handling a crisis.