This course seeks to shed light on the basis of administrative excellence, innovation and creativity in development and administrative planning in modern organizations, while presenting experiences and requirements in developed countries in the field of focus, creativity and innovation, and discussing development projects submitted by the participants in this session.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
- Carry out administrative tasks such as organizing, planning, directing and controlling.
- Determine the requirements and the ability to recruit competencies.
- Develop the level of institutional readiness for change.
- Enhance the capabilities of human resources necessary for institutional design, such as employee evaluation and job descriptions.
- Evaluate of the contribution of human resources to the achievement of the objectives of the institution.
- Apply quality improvement tools within the organization.
- Effectively use of human resources.
Targeted Audience:
- Managers and heads of human resources departments.
- Those who are responsible for manpower, personnel and development in organizations.
- Supervisors of institutional design departments.
- Training specialists and development and evaluation consultants.
- Anyone who finds themselves in need of this course and wants to develop their skills and experience.
Course Outlines:
Unit 1: Features and challenges of the era of globalization and its impact on the management of organizations:
- Features of the era of globalization and its impact on organizations.
- Technological, economic, cultural and social challenges.
- Future vision in light of the challenges of the era of globalization.
- Director keys to global.
Human resource management and its role in light of globalization:
- Human resource management goals.
- HR management tasks.
- Challenges facing human resource management.
- The role of human resources management in light of globalization.
Planning human resources needs in light of the challenges of the times:
- The importance of human resource planning.
- Factors affecting the human resource planning process.
- The basic model of human resource planning.
- Human resource planning steps.
- HR forecasting methods.
Analysis of the supply and demand side of human resources:
- Job analysis and job description: An introduction to raising the level of performance:
- Job analysis and its importance in modern organizations.
- Analysis of work and administrative performance.
- Methods of job analysis in different organizations.
- Work analysis methods.
- Job descriptions and building optimal performance levels.
Unit 2: Planning and developing the career path of human resources:
- The importance of career path planning in organizations.
- The main variables affecting career path planning.
- Career planning responsibility.
- Methods used to discover career paths.
- Route maps or staff ladder.
- Career path management.
Strategic management of human resources and administrative and organizational development:
- The importance of strategic management of human resources.
- Administrative development and its components in modern organizations.
- management development goals.
- Methods and methods of administrative development.
- Organizational development and its objectives.
- The main entrances to organizational development.
Building a leadership strategy by applying the balanced scorecard “B.S.C”:
- Strategic challenges in Arab organizations.
- management and performance measurement.
- Performance criteria and indicators.
- Stages of establishing performance measurement systems.
- Balanced Scorecard.
- Elements of the balanced scorecard.
- The main axes of the balanced scorecard system.
- Requirements for the success of the balanced scorecard application.
Unit 3: The role of the “Six.S.6” sigma approach in improving and developing the outputs of business organizations:
- What is meant by “6 sigma” and its importance in modern organizations.
- Six Sigma methodology and its relationship to total quality.
- The basic principles of Six Sigma.
- Smart Manager’s Guide to “6 Sigma” Applications.
- Steps to apply the “6 sigma” methodology.
- Six Sigma applications.
Managing personnel affairs electronically:
- Computer applications in personnel affairs functions.
- Using the international and internal information network in human resource management.
Restructuring Concept:
- The concept of organizational structures.
- The concept of job classification.
- Analyzing the existing organizational restructuring process in institutions and identifying its strengths and weaknesses.
- Organizational structures and effectiveness of administrative communication.
- The importance of job description and classification in relation to the job holder and the job holder.
Unit 4: Practical models in description and classification:
- Job description template.
- The main contents of the job description card.
- Additional contents to make the job description card stand out.
- A template for classifying jobs into major and qualitative groups.
Reasons for restructuring:
- The organizational structure of the administrative body.
- Justifications and problems of reorganization.
- Estimating manpower needs.
- Stages and steps of preparing organizational structures.
Engineering and re-engineering by job re-characterization and classification:
- Re-characterization and classification as one of the two wings of engineering.
- Creating the necessary legal environment for characterization and classification.
- Create a working climate to accept the implications of re-characterization and classification.
- Preparing the necessary leadership to lead the work teams responsible for re-characterization and classification.
Unit 5:Job design:
- Concept and method of job analysis.
- How to describe jobs.
- Preparing a job description card.
- Job classification.
- Job description, recruitment and selection process.
- Job description and training needs identification.
- Job description and individual performance appraisal.
- Job enrichment.
- Design forms and prepare job description cards for some of the participating jobs.
Workshop: Preparing model description cards for a number of jobs, as well as placing some jobs within the main group and their specific type, using the following:
- Budget for jobs and job grades approved in the budget.
- The previous organizational structure and the current organizational structure of the entity.
- Previous description and classification, if any, and personal interviews with some officials and specialized employees.
- Carrying out a job analysis process and defining job descriptions, powers and responsibilities.
- Analyze job requirements and determine educational qualifications, experience and skills.
- Analyze the behavioral requirements for the job and determine the behavioral job description and personal qualities required for the job.
- Determine the professional development plan for the incumbent.